Marilyn Reesor
Music Director
705.726.8007 Ext. 206
Kelly Luvisotto
Youth Minister
705-726-8007 Ext. 205
Renato & Maryann Bozzo
Janine Bissonette
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
705.726.8007 Ext. 218
Catholic Womens League
705-726-8007 Ext. 208
Donate to the Community
Volunteer your time, talent and treasure to the catholic community both at the parish level and our larger community. Take a look at the various opportunities to support below.
If you find the Lord is calling you to volunteer your time, click here for information.
If you have been blessed with a talent you think the Parish could use, please click here.
If you wish to make a monetray donation to our Parish, the Church or other initiatives please click here.
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